?? Is your pet the cutest, scariest or silliest in his or her costume?…
June is Adopt a Cat Month!
June is Adopt a Cat Month: Open Your Heart and Home to a Kitty in Need
Published June 5, 2013

Don’t you want to take me home?
Even though the popular song in Rodger and Hammerstein’s 1945 hit Broadway musical Carousel “June is Bustin’ Out All Over” is about romance, the song title also vividly describes what’s going on in shelters right now, with thousands of kittens being born across the country.
There are millions of beautiful “unwanted” kitties throughout the United States who are longing to be adopted by loving families ready to make a lifetime commitment for their care. And while this writer truly believes that every day of the year should be focused on feline adoption, to pique folks’ interest, June has been set aside as “Adopt a Cat Month.”
The month of June is the purrfect time for all cat lovers to think about opening their hearts to welcome a new fur family member into their homes. And for the folks who are already planning to adopt a cat this month; why not consider taking in two kitties? Kittens get bored and lonely when their human companions are not available. Two can keep each other company, play together and expend some of that boundless kitten energy.
Animal shelters, along with a host of veterinary clinics in your local areas have a wide variety of gorgeous cats and fluffy kittens who are available and ready for adoption. And the good news is that once you pick one up your heart will quickly be won over.
Although matches made in heaven do frequently happen, before you succumb to the charms of the first kitty with whom you fall in love, it makes good sense to pause for a moment to take into consideration your purrsonality and lifestyle preferences. And if you are looking for a purebred cat, research the “typical” behaviors of the various breeds.
Would the raucous noise of a couple of kittens galloping through the house amuse you? If not, an older cat would be more suitable for you. When it comes to feline care, do you have sufficient time to groom a long-haired cat, or do less work intensive, short-haired kitties seem more appealing?
If you already have a resident cat, do you have adequate space to quarantine your new kitty in a safe sanctuary area? Are you prepared for a slow and supervised period of introduction to help facilitate a smooth transition and avoid serious squabbles?
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